A drop of light

My recommndations and personal views on movies animee series and maybe books also

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The chamber of Shambala

I promised I'll be back for Fullmetal Alchemist, and here I am.
The OVA is interesting. However, the ending is still not satisfactory, not for me at least..

really, really...

Kino no tabi ~ The wonderfull world

Long time no blogging, shame on me, been busy, but that's no real excuse...

So first series I feel like blogging is Kino's travels.
The bad thing about this series is it's only 13 episodes.
Every episode in this series has it's own plot. The genre is adventure fantasy. Almost every episode our traveler visits a different "country" in a fantasy world, with specific customs and intriguing stories, each time learning something new.
This series is full of original ideas! Did I mention there's some exciting story about the traveling as well?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My sassy girl

One of the best romantic comedies ever made. It has an interesting story that will keep you connected from start to finish. And it's pretty original too. It could remind a little about "Jeux d'enfants" but in a very strange way, sience the story is pretty different. Actually you could rather say is the other way around, chronologically speaking. I think the common point would be the characters that have fascinating personalities, they have the power to do whatever they want, even "stupid" things, just because they feel like doing so. Freedom of thought, and acting. This movie will make you dream :)

Definetly recommanded, it took some effort until I got to see it, but that was worth.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention is Koreean. And yes, I've seen bad koreean movies as well :)

Full Metal Alchemist

Lot of episodes of adventure, comedy, action. One of the best rated anime series. It has all the ingredients for success: good, yet simple animation, nice soundtrack, good story, interesting characters.
There are a lot of characters featuring in this series all of them presenting interesting aspects. A "favourite character game" was held on IMDB, all characters starting with 5 points and viewers were allowed to remove a single point from one character and give it to their favourite. A lot of blood was spilled between fans, with some great competition that involved even secondary characters.
The music is great, and one good aspect is they do change the intro and the ending throughout the series, pretty normal considering the lenght (52 episodes).
The story is interesting and presented in modern fashion, with well mounted flashbacks. Not difficult to follow. It will take though a few episodes (4-5) until you are really connected with the global story.
The only thing that was a bit dissapointing for this series was the ending. Somewhat weird and unexpected, but there is a continuation for the series, a movie released in 2005 "The chamber of Shambala", hope that offers a better conclusion for the series. I'll come back with more after I get to see that one as well.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Groundhog day

What would you do if you would be forced to live the same day all over again? That's a good exercise for everybody to answer. Me first :). Now I'm imortal, I've got all the time in the world to fulfill my dreams.
Not like you could build something, 'couse you only got one day, but for sure you can learn lot of stuff you're interested in. Remeber all those little things you wanted to know about, but you just didn't get enaugh time? well, now you got, and extra!
Problem is one day you'll get board of it all, how far that is, it depends what spirit you've got, but it will come to you. And it will pass same way it came... So where does that all lead? You'll evolve spiritually, just try to complete yourself.
Will this ever be over for you? You'll just know when you wake up and it's not the same day! :)

Now back to the movie: good romantic comedy, and the lead actors rock!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Titan AE

A dissapointment overall. Not near Std. Ghiblei, not near Pixar Animations.
For a Sience Fiction story, it lacks a lot of consitency. I know what fiction comes from, but there are certain limits to it. If people from Earth had such technology as to build the Titan spaceship, how comes their planet was so easily erased by the aliens.
Not much original in the plot either.
Some of the characters in the animation are funny, but not memorable. Character evolution is almost absent.
For little kids this movie should be allright, but if you are somewhat more mature you will find this too light.
The music is all right and the graphics are fine.
On IMDB this is rated 6.3. I would give it a 4.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bin Jip

This movie is a UNIQUE ITEM.

A koreean romantic drama, very different from anything else I've ever seen. Very expressive and full of original ideas, I can only compare this movie with a great poem full of tropes. Those who think romantic is boring are wrong about this movie. This one is highly entertaining. I never imagined that a movie can be predictable but full of surprises at the same time. Not before I saw this one. The script is original and amazing. The acting will leave you speachless. And the "dialogues" will convince you once more that words are so meaningless...

I say if you ever have the opportunity to see this movie, don't miss it, a true masterpiece!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Elfen Lied

To begin with, this animee series is NOT FOR KIDS. Reason for that is not only the nudity content but the extreme violence of the fighting scenes. It does beat most of the horror movies I've seen. Really powerfull scenes... Impressive...

Now that the warning was issued, let us look a bit at the other stuff. The idea beind the story is good, it reminded me somehow of Arthur C. Clark's "Childhood's End". The plot and the character are both interesting, though the story is sometimes a bit predictable. The soundtrack is well picked, it doesn't stick to your mind as much as the theme from Noir, but is still really good and fits nicely with the world of the series. All in all, one can understand why Elfen Lied is one of the top all time anime series :)

The good news for the fans is that apparently this is just the begining...


Noir is a 26 episodes animee series. I finally got the DVD version, and it was definetly worth the effort.
The story concerns two young assasin girls, with misterious origins. One of them doesn't remeber any of her past, while the other has her own life puzzle to solve, that is reavealed piece by piece. The two girls form an alliance, decided to solve the misteryes while also dealing with a misterious organization that seems to be behind them. The characters of the story are very well developing throughout the series.
The episodes are higly entertainig and the mistery of the series is revealled gradually, keeping specatator's interest till the end. The animation is also great!
One downside I see is the amount of flashbacks related mostly to the puzzle, but I think this may be a problem only if you try to see the whole series in a short time interval.
All in all, if you have the opportunity to see it, don't miss it. Great animation! Great story!